Heya 👋🏼 I've started my career in 2010 and it's been a wild ride ever since! 🎬 It all started within the Visual Effects industry working at Double Negative. 10 years and multiple industries later, I have to say that the years I've spent at Double Negative helped me improve my soft skills significantly on top of having a blast working at blockbusters like "Interstellar" and "Fast and Furious". 🌊 Since leaving the VFX industry I've worked at Abyssal, a Portuguese startup focused on creating a digital 3D world for Oil&Gas, drastically reducing operational costs and improving the environment by increasing the number of successful operations and maintenances. 💎 Farfetch has been my home since 2018, and I've grown as a person, as a leader and where I'm proud to say that I learn every single day. To be perfectly honest, one of the things I love to do is to build teams. I really enjoy the entire process of going from individuals into a strong and unified group focused on a common mission with a shared cultural vision. As the years go by, my belief that we should share and promote these leadership practices with other leaders, creating a community of like minded individuals were culture and collaboration comes first. 📩 Drop me a message so we can chat a little bit about leadership 😉 🌍 Visit my website and blog: https://aleadersmindset.com 📨 Subscribe to A Leader’s Mindset Monthly Newsletter: https://subscribe.aleadersmindset.com 🎬 Check out my YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/LuisParada