Day 26: 3 Mistakes I Made Early In My Career — And What I Would Have Done Differently
I have been working in Tech for almost 14 years.
And in that time, I’ve gotten to do a lot of cool things:
- Worked in Oscar awarding films
- Got to meet people from all over the world
- Within Tech kept working in different industries
There isn’t much I would change about my journey.
But if I could go back, here are a few of the mistakes I made early on — and what I would have done differently:
1. Didn’t Care About Work-Life Balance
Especially during my younger years I never truly cared how many hours I worked.
If I was able to work more, I would work more. The problem with this is that I lost the opportunity to enjoy other parts of life, like getting to know more about the city I was in.
Looking back I would slap myself in the face and just enjoy London a lot more.
2. Changed Jobs Purely For Money
I’ve changed jobs purely for money just once in my life.
It took me about 3 days to know that something was off but I said to myself I had to hold on. The money was awesome. After 9 months of misery, I decided to leave for absolutely nowhere.
I had enough.
That taught me that there is much more than just money when changing jobs: the project, the team, the location, etc. It’s a full package.
3. Thought It Was A Solo Career
I think everyone in a moment makes this mistake. They think their career is just about themselves.
What I found is that when I focused solely on myself, on my career, on my job, I was extremely unhappy.
It’s when I find myself in a community, working together that I feel accomplished.